
Friday, June 8, 2012

Watering Can Flower Pot

I was recently inspired by my neighbor, who had the genius idea to plant a geranium in a watering-can-turned-flower-pot. (Actually it looked like an oversized tea pot, but whatever - it was a great idea!)

I have had this watering can that I used for many years around the house, but about a year ago, the handle came off. Being the hoarder thrifty saver that I am, I kept it under my kitchen sink, just in case I took up welding some day and decided to put the handle back on.

See, no handle!!

After seeing my neighbor's creation, I immediately thought of this can. I thought it would be perfect with some of the wild marigolds in my front yard. (BTW, I have what I call "perennial" marigolds under my mailbox. I seriously have not planted new ones for at least 4 years, and they come up every summer! The tricky part is I never know exactly where they'll sprout up. This year, one started growing in the crack of the pavement in the street!) Anyway, I dug up one of the stray ones and put it in the watering can.

I'm looking forward to a little more beautifying of my deck - remember that my big project is still underway? (Notice the still unfinished patio chairs in the background of this picture?) I hope to have some more painting & planting done this weekend! Wish me luck! :)

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