
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Garden Markers I have finally come to the realization that until school is out, sports schedules slow down, graduation parties end, travelling is done....I may be posting a little less often. But that's life, huh? So for now, I'm accepting that I'll just have to be satisfied with the infrequent sharing of my creative projects! I hope you can bear with me. I do have a few (I think) very cool tricks up my sleeve for future craft projects!

Anyway. Here is a little preview of what I've been working on lately. The weather here has finally settled down, so I recently started planting my garden. I was very excited to get it going, since last year's attempt at a garden was a total disaster. Let's just say the weeds got completely, totally a little out of control!

So far, I have planted cucumber, zucchini, cilantro, tomatoes, green peppers and jalapenos. The tomatoes and peppers I bought already sprouting. The cucumber, zucchini and cilantro I started from seed. So to help remember which is which until they start growing (and just because I thought it was a cute idea!) I made these little markers.

This was literally a 1-minute craft project...wooden skewer + wine cork + Sharpie marker. How much easier could it be?! And right now a 1-minute project fits perfectly in my schedule! 

Hope you are all having a GREAT spring and I'd love to see your garden progress too! 


  1. These are adorable,sweet, and simple! Sounds like you have our schedule right now!! Thanks for taking the time to link up to uncommon!! Featuring these tonight on our FB page! :)

  2. What a great way to mark whats in the garden. I love it! Thanks so much for sharing at Thursday's Temptation.

  3. I bet you enjoyed gathering the corks for your project.;)
