
Saturday, April 7, 2012

Signs of Spring

This year has been so unusually warm so early. My lilac bush has been blooming for a while already. I love the smell of lilacs, but I just wish they would last a little longer! The bush I have is getting so HUGE that its almost touching the bottom of our roof, and I'm sure by next year it will be there. Unless I decide to get out the trimmers! Does anyone know the correct way to trim a lilac? And how much to trim? I need to find a crash course on these things sometime soon. Meanwhile, here's a look at my lovely lilac...with a little Pic Monkey editing thrown in for fun!

....trying out some new fonts & effects....

....notice my neighbor's new mailbox gargoyle in the background of this next one? I kind of like it!!

I think this weekend I will cut some to put in a vase for Easter (Also my birthday! Yippee!!) the way the colors turned out on this next one...

....can't you just smell them now?

Happy Easter to everyone!!  Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Your lilacs are beautiful. I like the editing you did in PicMonkey. I just did some editing in it too and like how easy it is to use.
    Have a Happy Birthday and a Happy Easter!

  2. These are sooo pretty! I found this online for you - it tells you how & when to prune. I hope it helps!

  3. Love the flower pics, very pretty! New follower, Happy Easter! =)

  4. I have lilacs that had gotten out of control. Being very brave or dumb we just took a chainsaw to them. They were cut down almost to the ground. No lilacs he following year bet the prettiest bushes the following year. I have tried to keep after much better now trying to cut out about a third of the bush(the oldest wood) each year.

    Your lilacs are very pretty. Such a shame when they are so high up that you can hardly enjoy them(or cut them).

    Good luck with your trimming.

    1. Thanks for the advice! My neighbor also told me to trim them down quite a bit - just after it is done blooming, which would be right about now! I need to get in some gardening done, sometime soon. I was disappointed that all the flowers were at the top - maybe a trim will help!
