
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Spring Fever!

Happy first day of Spring! Here in Iowa, we've had EXTREMELY nice weather lately. So warm that I debated turning on the A/C. Yeah, in MARCH! (Didn't go quite that far, but who knows, maybe by April!) Anyway...I'm anxious to get started on some outdoor projects! 

Here is a trellis I made for our yard several years ago (doesn't it look so sad and lonely right now? I wish I had a picture of it in the summer time!) I made it from old tree branches and a couple fence stakes. In the summer it has a vine that climbs all the way up to the top.

Soon it will look something like this...

Cute, huh? More fun today with PicMonkey!!

And here are some of the landscaping & gardening projects I've been drooling over.

Great colors in this yard....


LOVE this brick pathway...and the hostas!


Another nice pathway....Hmmm....I'm noticing a pattern here.....


Alternate use for a pallet....


I just like this one because it reminds me of Hagrid's Hut! :)


How about you? What are some of your spring gardening dreams this year? 


  1. I love this post!
    these photos are amazing!

  2. First I want to say TAG YOUR IT! I was tagged with 11 questions and I am tagging you the answers and 11 different questions. I can't wait to see your answers. Check out my page for all the details: First I want to say TAG YOUR IT! I was tagged with 11 questions and I am tagging you the answers and 11 different questions. I can't wait to see your answers.

    I am getting married and moving to a country farm house in 5 months and I can't wait. I am originally from the country and when I moved to town 14 years ago and couldn't really to the gardening I wanted I was pretty bummed. Now I am going to have acres and acres of room to make pretty. I love this post.

  3. I love the pictures! I can't wait for spring! New Follower. You can visit me at
