
Thursday, March 8, 2012

Liebster Award

I'm so excited! Donna at Loopy Loop Creations has awarded me a Liebster Award!!! Thank you Donna!! This is my second Liebster, and I think the best thing about it is that now I get to pass this on to five of my favorite blogs. Liebster is a German word meaning 'dearest' or 'beloved' but it can also mean 'favorite'.  The idea is to pass the award on to five of your favorite blogs with under 200 followers.  The recipients will then forward the blog love!

It is SOOOO hard to choose, but after some hard thinking, here are my five:

AKM Designs and Delights - Angi has a ton of GREAT recipes & crafts, and I love her sense of humor!

Covered in Mod Podge - I was hooked by the title of Michaela's blog! Hello...Mod Podge is awesome! And so is her blog!

Fun with the Fullwoods - Brittany has an amazing sense of fashion that I am seriously jealous of, and more great recipes & crafts!

Summit Street Joy - Lauren's blog is very inspirational and she has some wonderful DIY ideas too!

Two Yellow Birds Decor - I love all of Jill's ideas and she has a great link party on Thursdays! Check it out!

If you receive this award, please do the following...

1) Choose 5 up and coming blogs to receive the Liebster. The blog must have less than 200 followers.

2) Show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them. (Feel free to copy my post and fill in your own award winners.)

3) Post the award on your blog and list the bloggers you are giving the award to with links to their sites.

4) Give yourself a pat on the back!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks again for giving my blog this award!! I feel so lucky! Also, thanks for your kind words!
