
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Pinterest Stalking

I'm a little slow in the post department this week, folks! I apologize! But I just wanted to share something I learned a while ago.  If you have a blog and are curious whether any of your projects have been "pinned" on Pinterest, there's a SUPER EASY way to find out!

Just put this into your browser: BLOG URL HERE/

So, to look up my pins, I use the following link:

Easy, huh? It's kind of fun to stalk Pinterest look around & see how many of your own things are being pinned!

And I promise I'll be back soon with a "real" post!


  1. Hello from Nebraska - following you after catching you on the blog hop! Love your Valentine canvas - pretty!

  2. I haven't signed up for Pinterest because I know I would spend way too much time there. But I did check out the pinterest with my url and found a few things that were pinned.
    So now I can do a little stalking.

  3. I found your site via the Sunday Social. I am stopping in from TheStuffofSuccess and I am thrilled with this tip. I had no idea so many pins were coming from so many different places. I am your newest follower. Feel free to stop on by and say hello. Thanks Athena
