
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The New Year Giveaway & MORE!

As promised long ago, I do have an upcoming giveaway! But first, I'm taking a little "Blogging Break" to organize some thoughts & ideas for 2012. I promise that my giveaway will be up and going very soon!

Speaking of organizing, I REALLY REALLY want to make organizing my home one of my New Year's resolutions. I tried an "organization challenge" last January but failed miserably! There was a very cool blog that had a daily organizational challenge - I totally FELL IN LOVE with it...and then quickly fell OUT of love. I couldn't keep up. I didn't want to spend $50 (or even $20) a week on trendy little bins, trays & labels to organize my closets. And let's face it, I had a hard time throwing certain things out. I do believe there's a little bit of a hoarder in me somewhere! :)

But the wake up call came last week when I was looking for something in our bathroom closet & came across a box of motion sickness medicine. Its expiration date was 1998! We moved into our current house in 2002. Hello??! Something is not right with this picture! Now throw in the fact that we actually use our bathtub for a laundry hamper, and I decided something must be done. (We do have a shower as well in case you're wondering - the tub is rarely used. We shower daily, however.)

So one of my goals for 2012 is to organize my home. I will share my journey on my blog, and I can promise I WON'T have a daily challenge. (It will be more like a weekly "suggestion".)

I'm also hoping to get my blog a little more organized with a new look and some regular weekly topics. I'm still working on ideas for that, so any suggestions are welcome!

Happy New Year to everyone - and best wishes for a GREAT 2012!


  1. I'm with you Michelle. Getting more organized and making some changes to my blog. Good luck to both of us.

  2. Can't wait to hear your weekly "suggestions!" My house needs it too! By the way, I am still laughing about the tub as a laundry hamper....:)At least it is hidden and not lined up in baskets in your hallway!
