
Friday, December 9, 2011

Frugal Holidays: Day 3 - The Toast Grabber

I have wanted to do a post on this AWESOME little item for quite some time now. It's something we use literally EVERY DAY in our house, and its the simplest little thing. But first, a little history:

My brother (now 27 years old!) made the toast grabber for us as a wedding present. At one time, it had our names & wedding date on it in colorful Sharpie. (If you look closely you can almost see them in the picture!) But alas, those nice inscriptions wore off many years ago. I think he made it in Cub Scouts. (And I'm sure he credits his toast-grabber-making skills in helping him eventually earn the rank of Eagle Scout!) Anyway. We just happened to be getting married that year, so what else would an eleven year old give as a wedding gift?? 

This project would be a great craft for kids to make as a Christmas gift. I have often thought of having my kids making them (I can totally picture the blingy toast grabber that my daughter would make)...but just about everyone in our family has their own toast grabber. (My brother was busy that year! Although, I'm just realizing that I bet he didn't make one for that he's all grown up, he may just need one of his own! Hmmmm....)

The Toast Grabber In Action!

A closer look
Even though I cannot take credit for making this tool, I will attempt to explain how you can make your very own. Through careful examination, I have been able to determine that you will need the following supplies to make your own toast grabber:

Wooden clothespin
2 craft sticks (the wide ones, not the skinny popsicle sticks)

Glue the craft sticks onto the clothespin, and that's it! Instant finger protection for your morning meal!


  1. LOL! I began laughing when I first opened this post! I am very impressed at the sturdiness of the popsicle sticks over the past sixteen years!

    By the way, we don't have one....;)

  2. Do not laugh at the toast grabber! Seriously, we have had conversations at our house about how useful this thing is! If it ever broke, I would be making a new one immediately. And now I know what Santa is putting in your stocking this year!! :)

  3. I think you, Mom & Dad and Grandma and Grandpa were the onlys ones lucky enough to recieve toast grabbers, the rest of us all still lived at home. I think that Grandma even had to have a replacement pair as hers wore out from Grandpas daily breakfast of two slices of toast and coffee.

  4. Now I know what will be in all your stockings! :)
